scary journal
Redcamera labs are brilliant

Targets for vengance

Moth Techniques

A disturbing message

my life


there is jason on me again

the explanation


This is my life, and the conflicts I encounter
They allways find me, even when I hide in the corner under all my magazines in a special pile. It's special on account of the many perfume samples, which I feel help to scare them away, as they are repelled by nice smells.

  Monday He came for me again. He rang the doorbell over and over and even threw some gravel at my window. I hid under my special pile and rubbed calvin kline under my nose for extra power. As I lay there, I could hear the kids in the local primary school, playing happily with exuberance and joy. I started to cry as I realised how empty all thier lives were. Mine has allways been so much richer, like the time I sold some records to cash converters, and they failed to see the humour in my attempts to hide my tears as I signed the only remaining items of my dead lover over to a resale outlet, no doubt to be sold for 50p to some armenian student or something. I can see bits in my eyes again and i look at them instead of what i want to see. My friend ralph said that i was going to start the jason stuff again, but I know he's lying to make me feel bad.

  Tuesday I was in the post office, collecting my benefit. I met jhann again. She is called jhann by me becuase she looks like judith hann, who I used to love before my lover came and died. She came to my house and searched my bathroom. She took all my bics and broke the heads off, leaving me with the necks and the little covers. She said that jason had done bad things with the heads. I've never met jason but I hate him. Jhann talks about him all the time, and i am jealous so I knew i had to beat him. I took all the necks and put them into my legs. I went to casualty as i had run out of tissue and mess was getting on my special pile. They were amazed, but I pointed out that the plastic necks still had quite sharp ends, and they're easy to get in if you give it a proper twist. Jhann came to see, and she took me home. I gave her one of my x-rays.

not jason
  wednesday Jhann came to see me. She was worried and wanted to see my plasters. I showed her the plasters and she wanted to touch them, but I told her no. I know she wants go have my special pile, but I wont let her becuase she has jason on her. She told me she didnt but she is lying. There is jason on inbetween her fingers and toes and that is enough.
After jhann went, i took my pile oputside and burnt it because i know she will steal it if she has to. It was burning when he came to my house again and rang the doorbell. Luckily i had some gravel so i threw it at him and he went away. Jhann came back and I showed her my burnt pile. I didnt let her hug me becuase she had more jason on her than ever and i could even see it.

not jason